6 - Week Self Care Stress Management Program
With Registered Holistic Nutritionist Elizabeth Logan
As human beings, we are resilient, we can withstand any amount of stress as long as we have self care and coping strategies in place.
In this 6 week program we will unpack:
What stress looks like in the body
How it affects the body
The importance of routine
How to be a nutrition detective at the grocery store
Healthy habits for stress management
What it will look like:
Start with 2 hour Information Workshop via zoom
1 - 7 day meal plan
Costco Shopping list
Food Journal
Journal prompts for self reflection
6- 30 minute evening wind down yoga
Starting date: Monday October 16th - 2 hour workshop 7pm-9pm via ZOOM
Evening wind down yoga Thursday nights @ 8:30pm- 9pm via ZOOM
Every Thursday night, we will have 15 minutes before yoga to answer any questions or share our experience on the program so far
At the end of the program you will feel grounded and calm ready to handle life's curve balls and confident in your knowledge about food to navigate the grocery store to nourish your body and feel great!
Early Bird Price (Valid until September 30th) $99 + GST
Price starting October 1st: $125 + GST
6 - Week Self Care Stress Management Program
With Registered Holistic Nutritionist Elizabeth Logan
As human beings, we are resilient, we can withstand any amount of stress as long as we have self care and coping strategies in place.
In this 6 week program we will unpack:
What stress looks like in the body
How it affects the body
The importance of routine
How to be a nutrition detective at the grocery store
Healthy habits for stress management
What it will look like:
Start with 2 hour Information Workshop via zoom
1 - 7 day meal plan
Costco Shopping list
Food Journal
Journal prompts for self reflection
6- 30 minute evening wind down yoga
Starting date: Monday October 16th - 2 hour workshop 7pm-9pm via ZOOM
Evening wind down yoga Thursday nights @ 8:30pm- 9pm via ZOOM
Every Thursday night, we will have 15 minutes before yoga to answer any questions or share our experience on the program so far
At the end of the program you will feel grounded and calm ready to handle life's curve balls and confident in your knowledge about food to navigate the grocery store to nourish your body and feel great!
Early Bird Price (Valid until September 30th) $99 + GST
Price starting October 1st: $125 + GST